Friday 17 November 2017

HTML5 Basic Structure | HTML5 Online Tutorials

HTML5 Basic Structure

HTML stands for (Hyper Text Markup Language) used for creating static web pages.HTML describe the structure of web pages using  MarkUp. It is actually a coding language. We Write HTML code in text editor like Notepad, Notepad++,Sublime text editor, Dreamweaver etc.HTML have elements consist of tags i.e  <starting > and </ending> tag. The HTML tags such as “Headings”, ”Paragraphs”, ”table” etc.
The HTML tags are not displayed in the browser but the content inside the tags are shown which we called the output.
In this article I am going to show you how to draw the basic structure of HTML.
So let’s get started…
First of all we declare the document type, in HTML5 we declare it by writing;
<!doctype html>

A simple html Document :

•  <!Doctype html> define that this is the HTML5 document.

•  <html> is the root element of HTML page.

•  <head> it contains meta information about the document.

•  <title> It specify a title for the document.

• <body> This element contains the content visible on the page.

•  <h1> define a large heading.

• <pdefine a paragraph.

Watch this video for complete learning...

Location: Islamabad, Pakistan


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